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  • 专注品质,专注效率,专注服务,专注人才

  • 立足中国、服务全球、追求卓越、信守承诺、崇尚敬业

  • 专业铸就品质,服务成就价值

Service Process
Translation Interpretation Localization Translator Management Quality Control
Quality Control
Boyi Six stages of quality control system :

The first stage:undertaking translation evaluation 

We will analyze a manuscript’s nature, application requirement, business background, terminology, quantity, delivery date and other respects to determine whether we have 100% sure to accept it. If we are not 100% sure, we will definitely give it up to avoid delaying our customers and affecting the brand image for quality or delivery time.

The second stage: professional translation

A translator with professional background usually only focuses on accurate translation of one industry .Our project manager will screen some professionals of this industry to form a project team for Boyi terminology and standards and collaborative translation.

The third stage: translation quality monitoring:

The project manager monitors the translation progress and reorganizes daily difficult words and invites experts to dispel doubts. Meanwhile, we have a spot check on the translation quality every day to solve translation quality problems in a timely manner.

The fourth stage: translation proofreading and composing

All translations will be collected and summarized to check errors and make up for omissions and to further unify terminologies. The translation documents will becomposed its original to form a complete first draft.

The fifth stage: amendment from expert translators

The expert translators will examine and review the first draft accurately and ensure that it’s faithful to its original and specialized in vocabulary.

The sixth stage: editing and polishing by foreigners

Our foreign translators in China(some documents to be translated from Chinese to English will be edited by senior foreigners with profound Chinese foundation) will correct and polish grammars and vocabularies to make sure the authenticity and native quality of our translations.


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